Does he like you, or hate you?

Does he like you? Its the question that eveybody asks. Every girl wants to know, so taking this quiz might help people understand. Some guys just arn't into them, and some are! This will just help!

Does he like you? Does he have a crush on you just like you have on him? Its the question that everybody asks. Well, this quiz says it all, you'll find out in the end!

Created by: Jenny

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Does he ever look at you?
  2. Does he ever talk to you?
  3. Does he try to get your attention?
  4. Does he ever touch you, like hold your hand, or get really close to you?
  5. does he ever try to make you laugh?
  6. Do you like him?
  7. Does he go near you a lot (like a resses and stuff?)
  8. Do you notice him act cool and stuff around another girl?
  9. Did you like this quiz? (this dosnt count for the final answer)
  10. ok biii! (this dosnt count either)

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