Does she like you? | Comments

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  • Your Result: She's not sure yet... 90%

    She shows some signs. It could just be a coincidence, though. But it seems like she's confused about her feelings for you at the moment. Try to let her know the real you better, it'll help her straighten her feelings out. Don't ask her out, though-She will feel pressured to make up her mind, and it could end any future relationship. Plus, if she said yes, she could discover she doesn't like you like that after all, and it could get awkward.

    Darn. Ugh why can't girls like girls?

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  • I have 93% she likes me. But I sometimes either think she doesn't want to tell her friends. Or my friends are jealous of me that it is the 3rd girl in class that wants me cuz they always say none of these girls ever liked me, even the one which showed it very obvious. Or she just doesn't want anyone to know cuz one of my best friends likes her too. Or she maybe in the time of a half year changed her mind about liking my friend.

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  • She does seem rather on the fence about me. I mean, she's one of the hard to catch fish in the sea… but I've made sure that I never damage my status with her.

    The Art of Love
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