Does she like you

In this quiz you may have if a girl you like or not likes you and if what you are happy with what you found out good for you and if you are not well

Keep trying go to school tomorrow and do something different if you like them then try again and this is all I can help you with until I make another quiz

Created by: Ben
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What does she do when you look at her
  2. Does she ever fix herself up when she is near you
  3. Does she try to avoid you
  4. How often do you talk
  5. How often do you get to hang out
  6. Does she look you in the face
  7. Does she ever walk over to you
  8. Does she try to make situation s for the convo to get longer
  9. Does she ever try to touch or scrap shoulders
  10. Do you want to find out

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