Does Mr.Compress like you?

Have you ever wondered if Mr.Compress would like you??? Well you have came to the right place. Answer some questions and find out he likes you or not.

When you get your answers at the end of the quiz, just read the paragraph and that is where you find out if he likes you or not. And if you want, please rate the quiz.👍👍👍

Created by: Jazmine
  1. Do you like magic tricks?
  2. Choose a quirk
  3. Do you think Mr.Compress is cool?
  4. Do think Mr.Compress and Twice could be good friends?
  5. Do you think Mr.Compress is cute?
  6. Do you think he is ugly?
  7. Do you think He is crazy?
  8. Do you think he is evil?
  9. Do you think he is smart?
  10. Choose a color
  11. Would you rather Mr.Compress or Shigaraki?

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