Does he/she like you?

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At school (or someplace else you always go to) you always see a person. He/she is always hanging out with you, and trying to stare at you all the time. Or maybe it's the opposite. He might not like you. You are not really sure but you really want to know how he/she feels.

Does that person you always hang out with have a crush on you? Does he/she like you but is to scared to show their feelings? You can find out now by taking this quiz. Soon, you will find out what this person feels about you.

Created by: Angie
  1. Does he/she stare at you in the eyes? (I mean, ALWAYS stares at you in the eyes)
  2. When you drop one or more of your stuff, does he/she help you?
  3. Did he/she ever blush while staring at you?
  4. How many times do you ever hang out with him/her? Do you ask him/her to hang out with you or does he/she ask you to hang out with you?
  5. Does he/she invite you to parties, special events, vacations, sleep overs, concerts, etc.?
  6. Has he/she ever tried to hold your hand?
  7. Now, this will not effect your result....Do girls/boys like him/her? Please be honest. Does he/she like one of those girls/boys?
  8. Does he/she say hi to you when he/she sees you?
  9. does he say nice words about you or...MEAN WORDS??
  10. Right now there is lunch going on at your school. You are sitting by yourself on at a lunch table. Does he/she sit by you?
  11. Last question. Will you rate or comment? This is my first time making a quiz at Gotoquiz so please rate or comment!! I would really appreciate it. I hope you got a good result!! Bye!!! (you don't have to worry about anything cuz this is not going to effect your result) Oh, AND PLEASE SAY ID I SHOULD DO MORE QUIZZES OR NOT. IF YOU SAY YES...PLEASE WRITE WHAT KIND OF QUIZ SHOULD I MAKE IN THE COMMENTS BELOW!!!! thank you!!!!

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