Shadow cadet for life

Have you ever wondered who you stereotypically are at school?Some people love to read,some love sports,some love hanging with their friends and some enjoy all these things.So in this quiz you can find out if your a true jock,nerd,popular person or mix!


Created by: Abbie

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. On a typical evening,what would you be found doing?
  2. Favourite after school activity/thing to do?
  3. Fate
  4. How many friends do you have?
  5. Favourite colour?
  6. If you could control any of the 4 elements,which would it be?
  7. Do you prefer being around people, or being alone?
  8. What result would you like to get?
  9. Who are you in a bullying situation?
  10. I hope you enjoyed my quiz!(the results might not be accurate)

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