Does he or she like you?

if it works and you guys get together, then that is awesome I wish the best of luck to all of you guys and if it works, have a happy life. If they hurt you or assault u on purpose then dump them!

if it works and you guys get together, then that is awesome I wish the best of luck to all of you guys and if it works, have a happy life. If they hurt you or assault u on purpose then dump them!!

Created by: Amazon
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Does he or she stare at you?
  2. Are you sure he/she like you?
  3. Do you talk alot?
  4. Whats your age difference?
  5. Do you get embarrassed around them?
  6. Do you dream about the person?
  7. Why do you like the person and why do you think they like you?
  8. Will you ask the person out?
  9. If they reject you what will you do?
  10. What would you do if they say yes to the date?
  11. If the person went to get a kiss and hug, what would you do?

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