Does He Like You? (For Gays and Girls)

Do you want the brutal truth to weather someone likes you? Well this is the quiz for you. Beware though… you may not like your answer. But remember how brutal honesty may save you from ruining a good friendship.

When taking this quiz you must be aware of the fact that if you choose dunno or rather not say too often you may not have enough vivid answers to get an answer.

Created by: Whizz Bang
  1. When you meet do you often see him behaving differently?
  2. When you talk how does he act?
  3. Does he see you often?
  4. What was his reaction like the last time anyone shipped you?
  5. Did anyone say he liked you?
  6. Does he ever touch you (not in a weird or sexual way)?
  7. Has he ever complemented you?
  8. What are your conversations like?
  9. Do you think you are his type?
  10. What sort of things do you do together?
  11. Has he ever stood up for you or helped you with something?
  12. How often does he come to you for help or express his problems?

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