Does He Like You? By CutsieCatfourthgrade10

Hi! Ever wanted to know if the boy who you have a crush on likes you? Well, now you can. Not sure how accurate this quiz is since it's my first one, but try it anyway!

All I ask are a few simple questions! Get ready to know if he likes you or not! If he dokes then awesome. If he doesn't then that is okay too. I hope you enjoy my quiz!

Created by: CutsieCat4thgrade10
  1. Does he smile at you a lot or always laugh at your jokes?
  2. Does he talk to you a lot?
  3. Does he pick you a lot for partner projects?
  4. Do you sit next to or near each other?
  5. Do you have a crush on him?
  6. Does he talk to his friends about you?
  7. Do you think he likes you?
  8. Do you think he dreams about you?
  9. Do you think he likes you?
  10. Did you like this quiz?

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