Does He Like You Back

take this quiz and find out if he likes you back if he does GOOD FOR YOU if he doesnt thats so sad!!! but come on you know you wwwwwwwaaannnnaaa!take it if you want

take it if you want take this quiz and find out if he likes you back if he does GOOD FOR YOU if he doesnt thats so sad!!! but come on you know you wwwwwwwaaannnnaaa!

Created by: Kristen of Kristen-Honour-Gen
(your link here more info)

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Does he contantly look over at you
  2. Does he ever call you
  3. Do you hang with him a lot
  4. does he follow you
  5. does he send his friends over to ask you questions
  6. You drop your books in the hallway does he help you
  7. Has he ever stared into your eyes
  8. does he i.m you a lot
  9. Do you think he likes you back?
  10. did you like my quiz?

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