What Running Back are you?

Many people like the NFL. Almost all of them like the Running Back position. How hard is it to be a running back? How hard is it to become a running back? Many questions fill your mind as you clicked on the button.

Could you actually be a true NFL running back? Could you go out there and try out for the team. Before, there was only 1 choice. To see for yourself. But now, you can see if you will become a running back.

Created by: Billy Bob Joe

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. You are playing the Baltimore Ravens, best D in the league. At the end of the game your stats are:
  2. You are at the two yard line of the opponents' side. You are:
  3. You are playing the Houston Texans in your home field. Your stats were:
  4. Your record at the end of the season:
  5. Super Bowl winners?
  6. Pro Bowl?
  7. Your favorite weather and your best weather
  8. Your star that you looked up to while you played
  9. What is your favorite number?
  10. Do you make the Pro Bowl every year or more than once in your career?

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Quiz topic: What Running Back am I?