Does He Like You

So, here's my quiz-'Does He Like You'!! There are many of these quizzes, and mine is probably not the best. I hope it is accurate, I want to please you!!

This quiz is girls only, cause why in the world would a boy take the 'Does He Like You' quiz?? I hope you will enjoy, and be happy with your result!!!

Created by: Amazn
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you think he likes you?
  2. Has he ever kissed you?
  3. Has he ever asked you for a dance??
  4. Has he ever asked you out??
  5. Has he ever complimeneted you on your beauty, character...etc??
  6. How often do you talk??
  7. When you flirt, what does he do??
  8. Does he let you do things with his stuff that he doesn't let other girls\guys???
  9. Does he give you good advice??
  10. Does he spend time with you??
  11. No effect: Will you rate\comment??

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