Does 'he' like you?

There are so many boys, but you like one of them.. take this quiz to find out if your love is true. After all, people tend to lose there mind for love.

So IS YOUR crush YOURS or not? Do you have the brainpower to take this test to find out? How should I know? take the test to find out if he likes you.

Created by: Charolotte
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is his favoriote color?
  2. does he talk to you often?
  3. What is your 'perfect someones'style?
  4. do his feet point at you when he is talking?
  5. Do you think he likes you back?
  6. Did he ever touch you
  7. What does he do when he see's that you've caught him looking at you
  8. Has ever protected you from someone who was being mean to you?
  9. Did he give you his phone number?
  10. Were you truthfull during this test?

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