How much does he like you???

Is there this guy, who's been buzzing in your mind for too long? Don't know if you should ask him out? Take this test and find out how awesome you two could be together!!!

Those cute, dreamy, fit boys mess up your head more than maths! Sort out your thoughts about guys, and see if you should ask him! He could be your perfect match!

Created by: Cupcake

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How often does he talk to you???
  2. How would you describe him
  3. Is he going out with someone else???
  4. How long have you known him?
  5. Is he popular??? How many friends does he have?
  6. Ask your bestie... Is he fit, cute, funny, adorable, boring or a total jerk???
  7. Do you pay any attention???
  8. WhAt goes through your head when he walks past...?
  9. Has he ever complimented you...?
  10. How long have you liked him???
  11. Enough about HIM.. What about HER!!! How mammy times have you been asked out???!

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