Does he like you!!!!

Boys, boys, boys so confusing right? If you fall for one, do this because this quiz tells you if your crush likes you! Want to know if he's the one for you? Take this quiz and find out.

Be prepared if you are easily made sad. If you have severe self doubt issues don't take this. It might be incorrect please don't blame me if it isn't right. Thank you !

Created by: Ems
  1. Does he know you?
  2. Do you talk often
  3. Is he taken
  4. Has he given you a gift
  5. Have you ever caught him staring
  6. Are you friendly with his friends
  7. Does he talk himself up around you
  8. Do you like him
  9. Do your friends think he's cool
  10. Would you say yes if another cute guy asked you out right now

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