Does He Like You?

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Sometimes we get confused, if someone behaves really with us. It can be love or it can be flirt. We have know that before taking any decision because if we take any strong decision without knowing what that person wants then it can be harmful to our emotions.

Are you in this type situation? You love/like someone but you exactly don't that person really thinks about you. Maybe just that person is playing with your emotions or really loves you. Take the quiz and get the answer Love - Makayla Rose Dickinson?

Created by: Makayla Dickinson
  1. Does he like to spend time with you?
  2. Have you noticed him acting a little friendlier than usual towards you?
  3. How much friendlier is he around you?
  4. Does he talk about you to their friends?
  5. How close are you with his friends?
  6. When do you typically hang out with your crush?
  7. Has your crush ever tried to make you laugh, in any way?
  8. Has he ever touched you? Like, holding you hand, leaning on your back, wrestled, punched you, or anything to that degree?
  9. Does he call you late at night?
  10. How often do you spend time together?
  11. How long have you known each other?
  12. Do you have much in common?
  13. When you talk to him, he...
  14. Is he single?
  15. You like him because-

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