Do I really like you ???

I have lots of people that i talk to and hang with but only few i actually like being with. As rude as it sounds. The way you act and the things you mention in convos greatly decides this decision.

Do I like you ? hmmm no , yes , maybe , jus a should know after this quiz. Of course this quiz cant be tooo accurate but its pretty accurate. Answer it truthfully. If u know u do something thats written then admit to it dont lie ! or else the result will be false about you

Created by: Edwin
  1. I like telling you about the bad things that has happened to me throughout the day to get it out.
  2. I like being around you even when your speaking with someone privately
  3. I think its better to tell you about my day first before asking about yours
  4. Its fun to make fun of you
  5. I hate God
  6. I speak about my own opinions all the time
  7. I tend to be around you when your trying to have alone time with Adriana
  8. I find it funny mentioning your embarrasing moments to our or your friends
  9. If i see your in a bad mood I talk about how my day has gone
  10. Im really pissy
  11. I think my opinion is alwayz the right one
  12. I tend to talk negatively about you to others.
  13. I know to leave you alone when your with your girl
  14. Metallica is awesome
  15. Fonzi is cute
  16. I play an instrument
  17. I have many funny momments with you
  18. There is times to have fun and times to be serious
  19. I only call you when I need to talk to you

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