Does he like you?

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Hello! This quiz will help to see if your crush likes you back or just a random boy who always stares at you and touches the side of your leg! *covers mouth* I’m giving too much away...!!!

Idc if I gave that away, who cares. I only gave like two things away, soooooooooooo yyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh....... okay this is kinda getting awkward! Well, hope you enjoy the quiz!!!

Created by: Billy
  1. Does he stare at you?
  2. Does he rub his leg on yours?
  3. Where did you meet?
  4. When did you meet him?
  5. Do you like him?
  6. Do you think he likes you? (Be honest or not accurate)
  7. Do you like pizza?
  8. What’s your favorite color?
  9. Cupcake, cake, ice cream, or others
  10. Okay, did you enjoy the test?

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