Does he like you?

this is a quiz for people that want their true love. If you are a boy, subsittue "he" for "she".relationships are hard to get. hope this one will work out.

will this happen correctly? their are no correct answers so speak your mind, and let yourself wonder, will he, does he or will he never ever like me?????

Created by: Name

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. he often talks to you.
  2. you think he is perfect
  3. his friends hate you and try to chew you out. he....
  4. he has kissed you before
  5. you like him a lot.
  6. have you gone on a date?
  7. did he pick you instead of other girls for something???(lab partner, prom, ect)
  8. he calls you
  9. if you had to catagorize him, you would say that he was a..
  10. has he written love letters to you?
  11. do you like my other quiz, the smarty quiz?(no effect)

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