Does he like you?

you might not know it but their people who like you you canfind this out if you take this test.He could observe all the movment that you make observe his.

does he like you? well find out with this test he might like you or he might not just take this test and you will see if he likes you so dont be dumm and miss out on one chance to see if he likes you.

Created by: Natalie
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  2. Dose he look at you when you are arouond other boy?
  3. Dose he go near you when you might be able to switch seats to see a movie?
  4. Do you like the test so far?
  5. Dose he get a little green eye monster when you are around guys?
  6. Are you boared?
  7. Iam super boerd so the other questions are just bull?
  8. Pick a number to rate his hotness?
  9. Pick number?
  10. Is he tall?

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