Does he like you

This quiz is for all of you out there who just can't find the right quiz to know if someone likes you or not. You'll never know if you don't take my quiz!

So, do you want to know or not? Wait no more! Just click eleven bottoms and all of your questions will finally have answers to them. three, two, one, start

Created by: Aisha
  1. Do you ever catch him starring at you?
  2. Does he tell on you?
  3. Do you make each other blush?
  4. Do his friends treat you unexpectingly nice!
  5. Have you gone out?
  6. Have you kissed?
  7. Does he touch you( hugs)
  8. Does he play with you!
  9. Did you hear him say you were cute?
  10. If you go near him...

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