Does he like u?

Many guys are dumb and many are not Wanna find out if urs likes you Or not But anyway it goes Ur so Gorgeous you will find a guy that will love u for u

I hope u like my quiz I put a lot of thought into it and Like 3 hours of work Any way ur perfect like u are dont change for anyone at all I love u And have a good day/ NIght

Created by: Cerenity N
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Does he stare at you?
  2. Does he Flirt with u?
  3. Who calls or text more?
  4. Do u think he likes u??
  5. Do u have a nickname from him?
  6. If you asked him out what do you think he would say??
  7. How much do u love him 1-10000
  8. Do u wear makeup?
  9. Do u wear makeup?
  10. Is this Boring??
  11. Last one Why do u love him

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