Does he like someone else?

Your love likes someone else....or does he like you? Sometimes your little wrinkly heart will shribble up when you see him with either like her, hate her, or you guys are even best friends....

Does your crush like someone else? I know those words are torture to your eyes and just thinking about it will nauseate you, but it might be true, some c'mon with those ashy ankles and take my quiz!!

Created by: knicolej
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you always see him with another girl with a big ol' smile on his face?
  2. Does he walk a girl to her classes?
  3. Have you ever seen him flirt with her?
  4. Are they dating?
  5. Do you like balloons?
  6. Does he even talk to you?
  7. Say you, the guy you like, and a girl are all at the cafeteria. What?
  8. Hi.
  9. Okay I'll think of people, uh, think that him and the girl are a cute couple?
  10. Bye!!!

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