does he have a crush on you (girls)

Do you like him does he like you find out right here. He probably does he probably does not find out hear this is scientifically proven try the odds.

He loves you he loves you not find out here this is all facts trust me it worked with others good luck hope this helped and I like this quiz not because I made it

Created by: animals r cute
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Has he ever stared at "behind you" but he's really staring at you
  2. Does he ever start a conversation with you
  3. How come you like him
  4. Has he ever teased you
  5. Is he cute
  6. Do your friends think he likes you
  7. What is black and white and red all over
  8. Hi
  9. Would you be happy with him
  10. Is your name Jane

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