will your crush ask you out (girls only)

Do you want to know if you crush likes you (for girls only) well then take this fantastic quiz to find out! So ask your friends for all I care but this quiz will put a jolt in your hair so take this quiz to find out if your crush will ask you out come on don't be shy and give it a try!

Do you wanna know if your crush will like you out well then this is your type of quiz! ask you friends about this for all I care but this quiz will put a jolt in your hair. so come on don't be shy and give it a try!

Created by: kittycat99

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. how much do you know about him?
  2. on a scale from 1 to 10 1 being the lowest how much do you think he likes you (be honest)
  3. has he ever talked to you
  4. has he asked you out before
  5. I was board on this pn whats your fav coulor
  6. if he asked you out on a date what would you say?
  7. do you like him as much as he likes you?
  8. this is so ramdon but whats his fav coulor
  9. have you ever hugged him before?
  10. would he kiss you?
  11. finel question... did you like my quiz?

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Quiz topic: Will Ir crush ask you out (girls only)