Does he hate you?

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Take this quiz if ya want! It's to see if he hates you or nah! It's really important information to have, don't you think?? Give it a try.

Lol I don't know what to write here no body reads this anyways, what's the point eh take this quiz if ya want! Its to see if he hates you or nah! He might or might not!

Created by: Jennifer Joseph
  1. Does he stare at you with a death look?
  2. Does his guy friends talk to you?
  3. Does he poke you a lot?
  4. Does he talk to you?
  5. Has he ever hugged you?
  6. filler
  7. *no effect on answer* Whats your fav color?
  8. idk lol how was the quiz i guess :3
  9. this isnt my quiz lolol what?
  10. Have a good day!

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