does he even like you?

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There are many smart people, but few true geniuses. do you have what it takes to, come try. tell your friends and see if there down too. ahahahahahaaha

come try this quiz!!!..... ARE YOU AN GENIUS ??? COME FIND OUT RIGHT NOW. don't forget to get your friends too. they will love this quiz as much as you will

Created by: emily
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. who texts first ?
  2. does he compliment you?
  3. does he stare at you.?
  4. does he tease you ;)
  5. does he double text you if you don't answer his first text ?
  6. do you like him ?
  7. do you think he likes you
  8. do you crave his hugs ?
  9. would you still want him if you know he wouldn't be truly happy ?
  10. how long does it take him to answer ?

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