Does Emma from total drama loves you

You answer questions to see if Emma loves you so uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh (ignore next text)Does Emma from total drama loves yoDoes Emma from total draamaaaaaaa

Does Emma from total drama love you? Answer now and you will get best answer ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GOOD LUCK ON THAT CYAAA :333333333333333333333...

Created by: Maxa
  1. Do you like Noah?
  2. Do you ship Noco? (Noah x Cody)
  3. Do you like Cody?
  4. If nemma broke up, how much would you be sad?
  5. Do you like Emma?
  6. Do you like Kitty?
  7. Is Noah cute?
  8. Do you like reading books?
  9. Do you want to go to a law school?
  10. If you saw Noah's book, what would you do?

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