Do Your Friends Really Like You?

There are many people who have "friends". You'll never know if they are truly your friends. Take this to find out if you have true friends. Good luck!

This quiz will give you a better understanding regarding if your friends really like you. In just a few minutes you'll find out. I hope you like it!!

Created by: dolphin_erin

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Do you get invited to a lot of parties?
  2. Do you get call over to conversations a lot?
  3. Do get pushed of your seat at lunch in prepare for someone else to sit there?
  4. In school free time, do they find you to play?
  5. Do you get ignored?
  6. Do your "friends" make you feel bad because they don't like something you do for fun?
  7. Do you think they like you?
  8. Do you have a *best* friend?
  9. Do you really like your friends?
  10. Are you worried for your results?
  11. Did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Do my Friends Really Like You?