Do you really know me ? lets see

There are many smart people, but few true friends will score high on this quiz. Afterall, a friend will know everything about his or her friend so the results will show just how true of a friend he or she is

Are you my friend ? Do you have the skills to answer all these questions to the best of you ability with out any f ups lol guess we'll see in a few minutes but seriously i hope your not one of those who thought they knew me and took this quiz without a great understanding of who i am . I'll pray

Created by: Coke of myspace
(your link here more info)

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Whats my full name ?
  2. Who reminds me of my parents ?
  3. Whats my biggest fear ?
  4. Whats my favorite color?
  5. Which of the following means more to me in a relationship ?
  6. What do I want to be when I grow up ?
  7. What do I hate the most ?
  8. If I knew I was about die which would I do ?
  9. Which do I stay on the most ?
  10. Favorite holiday ?

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Quiz topic: Do I really know me ? lets see