How much do u Remember

How many of you remember "facts of life" the tv show? lets have some fun and see just how much you really paid attetion or if you were sleeping oh wait kids didn't sleep they were getting into something right?

Do u think you actually paid enough attention to take the quiz and get a half decent score if so lets go get started and have some fun and at the end lets see how you done...good luck

Created by: sherry

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What was the Tv Show Facts of Life about?
  2. Who was the house mother?
  3. What show was the facts of life a spin off of?
  4. How old was Kim fields when she played Tootie??
  5. WHat was Lisa Whelchl's first big break in tv
  6. what catalog company did Nancy Mckeon model for
  7. WHo sang the song "facts of life"
  8. How many seasons were there of facts of life
  9. List the cast memembers
  10. what year did the spin off come for facts of life

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