Do you understand me!

Lizjackson2612 is an odd person and has an awesome account that you should follow on Instagram but do you understand her weird mind?!? Tacos are good

I dont care I dont know why does it have to be 150 ugh and it can't be random letters either soooo hi buffalo hi almost there Perry the platypus done

Created by: Lizjackson2612
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Pie
  2. What do you so when you don't have a book
  3. If someone came up and attacked you what would you do
  4. First Thing that comes to mind when I say: PERCY JACKSON (or shout it)
  5. Celeb
  7. I need 4 more questions!
  8. And the land of the freeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  9. Upside-down
  10. Last question: You just won the Super Bowl what are you gonna do now?

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Quiz topic: Do I understand me!