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Do you really want to know what I think you are lol I can tell you your real self if you would like but remund you this isn't accurate xD don't be mad its just for fun

. Please don't be afraid to take the best way for a new thorn xD

Created by: EmmetteSmith
  1. When you look in the mirror what do you see ?
  2. Do you weight your self alot ?
  3. How do people look at you ?
  4. How many friends do you have ?
  5. (Girls) do you wear make up ?
  6. (Boys) do you work out until you can't work anymore ?
  7. Do people have ever called you ugly ?
  8. Why are you taking this ?
  9. How do you described your self?
  10. Do you like the way you look ?

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Quiz topic: Do I THINK my UGLY ?