How Beautiful Are You?

Ever wondered how beautiful you are or what you should think of yourself? Just take this quiz! Please do not take this quiz personally as it is just for fun and shouldn't be that accurate.

Are you one of the beautiful people in the world, or are you just average or plain ugly? Take my quiz and find out! Please do not take this quiz personally as it is just for fun and shouldn't be that accurate.

Created by: Donotdisturb
When Will I Die Test
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How long would you say that your hair is?
  2. Okay then... Now what would you describe your hair and eyes as?
  3. Another hair question- What colour is your hair?
  4. What colour eyes do you have?
  5. How are your teeth and hygiene issues?
  6. How would you say your weight is?
  7. How tall are you?
  8. Do YOU think that your beautiful?
  9. Do your FRIENDS think your beautiful?
  10. Do you have ACNE? (Or pimples)
  11. How would you describe the clothes that you typically wear every day?
  12. Do you wear make up?
  13. Do you have dimples?

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Quiz topic: How Beautiful am I?