Do You Really Know The Powerpuff Girls?

My score on this was 30. ofiitladoopdahdaylala oomph. if you have only seen it recently, you will not get it all right. are we blanchin? yeah we blanchin. I live up in a mansion.

eat yo own pants eat them pants wheeeew. man that is one barely decent song but whatever. mc dunolds. I'm barely tolerating it. haha so funny lol omg haha

Created by: herrionx1icorn
  1. How Many Girls are There? (this one is easy if you are up to date)
  2. What are the colors of these girls?
  3. What is the professor's last name?
  4. What is the name of that monkey?
  5. Which chemical was used to make the three triplets?
  6. Professor Utonium had a lab assistant. He was (######### pls dont cheat and be ay i see the monkey's name)
  7. Ms. Bellum is the girl's kindergarten teacher.
  8. What city do the girls live in?
  9. Who created the powerpuff girls?
  10. Who was the first villain to be introduced?
  11. Which of these is not a real member of the Gangreen Gang?

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Quiz topic: Do I Really Know The Powerpuff Girls?
