Do You Really Know Me?

Do you ever wonder how well your "friends" really know you because I know I do. People say "Oh yeah, she's my best friend," but in all actuality, they know very little about you. This quiz is just to let me know exactly what I'm asking; how well do you know me?

This quiz will simply ask questions about myself and will provide several possible answers, but there is only one. So choose wisely, you will only be allowed to take this quiz once and will quickly be judged. Well I bid you farewell and the greatest of luck.

Created by: Savanna of
(your link here more info)

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What color are my eyes?
  2. What is my favorite movie?
  3. How many siblings do i have?
  4. What is my favorite color?
  5. Which side of my nose is my piercing on?
  6. How many piercings do i have?
  7. When is my birthday?
  8. What is my beverage of choice?
  9. What food can i not stand to even smell?
  10. How do i describe the scent of my natural perfume?
  11. What word or phrase do i over use?

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Quiz topic: Do I Really Know Me?