Do you really know Jc caylen ?

This quiz is about my bí¦ee jc caylen ha . Many people love him and many people pretend like they know him more than anyone else does but they don't ! Take this quiz to find out if you really know him !!

Do you know Jc caylen ? Do you love him ? Are you a caylener ? Do you know a lot of stuff about Jc caylenn ? You think so ? Okayy then take the quizzzzz

Created by: Safa

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  1. What's jc caylens real name
  2. What was Jc's first YouTube video ?
  3. Where is jc's cloud tattoo ?
  4. What was jc's first youtube channel called ? And when did he start it ?
  5. Who is he dating ?
  6. How did Jc meet the girl he is dating ?
  7. How does Jc start his o2l videos ? (Says what)
  8. When is jc's bday ?
  9. Where is Jc Caylen From ?
  10. What did people in jc's high school do when he started making videos ?
  11. when did he attend vid on with a guest pass for the first time , and with who ?

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Quiz topic: Do I really know Jc caylen ?