Pokemon Competitive Metagame Quiz

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Created by: comida
  1. Assume a Pokemon is Normal/Dark type. How many resistances would this hypothetical Pokemon have?
  2. Your opponent sends out a Volcarona and takes Stealth Rocks damage. Your Porygon2 uses Thunderbolt against the Volcarona. Estimate the amount of damage from Thunderbolt the Volcarona would be taking.
  3. How much would a Choice Band increase a Pokemon's special attack stat?
  4. When a Tyranitar mega evolves, how much speed points does it gain?
  5. Which of the following statements is not true?
  6. Of the choices below, which move would be considered the most different?
  7. Which of the following Pokemon did not get a stat change in Generation VI?
  8. Assume a Pokemon is Fire/Ice type. How many weaknesses would this hypothetical Pokemon have?
  9. Which of the following moves is not Ice Type?
  10. Which Pokemon does not have a Special Defense stat that exceeds 95?
  11. Which of the following statements is not true?
  12. Which Electric Type Pokemon has the lowest speed stat?
  13. Of the choices below, which berry name does not exist in the Pokemon franchise?
  14. What would make this statement true: The Hasty nature increases the Attack stat and decreases the Speed stat.
  15. What would a Noivern's Special Attack stat be at Lv. 50? Assume the Noivern has a modest nature, and maxed out EVs and IVs in Special Attack. Noivern's base Special Attack stat is 97.
  16. This Pokemon's IVs are as follows: HP: 30 Attack: 31 Defense: 31 Special Attack: 15 Special Defense: 28 Speed: 31 Which Hidden Power Type would this Pokemon have?
  17. Which of the following moves does not exceed a power of 65?
  18. What does IV stand for?
  19. Of the choices below, on average, which three elements would determine one suited Pokemon for competitive play?
  20. Which of the following statements are true?

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