Do You Know WWE?

If you think you know WWE THIS IS A CHALLENGE a genius someone who can figure something out in the blink of an eye if you are not a genius, I just want to say, GOOD LUCK!

Do you qualify to take this test if you don't know WWE as well you may possibly learn something but really this test tells you about current events in WWE.

Created by: Cam
  1. Who does the zig-zag?
  2. What is kane?
  3. What is seth rollins part of?
  4. Did big show turn heel, survivor series, 2014?
  5. Who is taller?
  6. Is rusev part of the authority?
  7. Who was on team cena?
  8. Which animal does Daniel bryan represent?
  9. Who won the 2015 royal rumble?
  10. Did you find this test challenging?

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Quiz topic: Do I Know WWE?