Do you need to be back into diapers?

This 16 question quiz will determine whether you should be wearing underwear, diapers or pull-ups. Perhaps you have the occasional accident and want to be prepared for the next time, this quiz will likely help you.

Goodnites, depends, pullups, nappies, diapers, abena, tena, abuniverse, drynites, those are just some suggestions of some types of underwear you can wear if you're having an occasional accident.

Created by: T Anderson
  1. Let's start with your age, how old are you?
  2. When was the last time you messed your pants during the day?
  3. When was the last time you messed your pants during the night?
  4. When was the last time you wet your pants during the day?
  5. When was the last time you wet your pants during the night?
  6. Did you use to wet AND mess your pants during the day after the age of 5?
  7. Did you use to wet your pants during the day after the age of 5?
  8. Did you use to mess your pants during the day after the age of 5?
  9. If you used to wet and/or mess your pants during the day after the age of 5, how old were you when you stopped?
  10. Did you use to wet or mess your bed?
  11. If you use to wet and/or mess your bed, how old were you when you stopped?
  12. If you regularly use to wet your pants during the day, how much came out?
  13. If you regularly use to mess your pants, how much came out?
  14. If you regularly use to wet your bed, how much came out?
  15. If you regularly use to mess your bed, how much came out?
  16. What type of underwear are you currently wearing?

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Quiz topic: Do I need to be back into diapers?

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