Do you need glasses?

Think you need glasses? Before you make that appointment to the optician, you can take this quiz to see if that trip is going to be worth it. Just take it!!!!!!

Get a score of 85% higher or else you can book that appointment to the optician right away! This may not be the MOST accurate quiz but still, it gives you an overview of your vision.

Created by: skhan4
  1. Have you ever squinted at something?
  2. Have you ever taken an eye exam?
  3. If you took an eye exam, how many lines could you see?
  4. Have you ever squinted at the whiteboard in class?
  5. Do YOU think you need glasses?
  6. Do you often rub your eyes?
  7. In class, has your teacher ever done a reading test with you while other kids didn't?
  8. How good is your vision
  9. Print out an eye exam. Place it ten feet away from you. Now read the last line. Could you see it?
  10. On the eye exam, how many lines could you see?

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Quiz topic: Do I need glasses?
