Do you need a therapist?

Sometimes we all feel like we need someone in our life. That’s ok. Don’t worry. You could need a therapist. Take this quiz to find out if you need one.

By the way, you are not worthless and you’re perfect. Don’t try to make others happy, make yourself happy. Life is short, so live everyday to the fullest.

Created by: Ryann Stidham
  1. Do you think you’re depressed?
  2. Are you overwhelmed?
  3. Do you feel alone?
  4. Do you need someone to talk to?
  5. What color out of these would you describe your life as right now?
  6. Do you feel worthless? (You are not and never will be)
  7. Are you feeling okay today?
  8. Pick a word
  9. Do you like hanging out with people?
  10. Last question, did you like this quiz? (Will effect score)

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Quiz topic: Do I need a therapist?
