How happy are you??

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There are happy people but even depressed ones. After all everyone deserves to be happy and content with life. A happy person lives life to the fullest and takes advantage of the opportunities in life.

So how happy are you?? Do you enjoy life to the fullest. Though you can't really identify how happy you are but this quiz is here to help you decide how happy you are and what to do to live even happier!

Created by: Safa Nadeem
  1. What sort of activities do you prefer in your free time?
  2. What sort of mood are you in usually?
  3. What concept do you follow in your work
  4. What type of clothes do you prefer to wear mostly?
  5. Which type of movie you like to watch at weekends or in your free time?
  6. When you're invited to a party in which you're not interested, you
  7. When sleeping, how many pillows do you usually have with you?
  8. What do you feel when you go to your school/college/university/work ?
  9. What do you think about your friendship with your friends?
  10. If you have a movie plan with friends but you're really tired, what do you do?

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Quiz topic: How happy am I??