do you need a diaper change?

if youre like me, you like to do these diaper quizzes. this is just a simple little quiz that can tell if you need a diaper change or if you are clean/dry and good to go.

im just rambling to fill up space. there are 5 results. 3 of them mean that you wear diapers and 2 of them are for non diaper wearers. hope you like the quiz

Created by: BabieRachie
  1. when was the last time you wore a diaper
  2. why do you wear diapers
  3. what kind of diaper do you like best
  4. what do you wear over your diapers
  5. where do you get diapers?
  6. whats the most babyish thing you do?
  7. you see someone else who is wearing a diaper that is showing a bit. what is your first thought?
  8. is your diaper clean/dry?
  9. are you incontinent?
  10. have you ever wet yourself on purpose?

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Quiz topic: Do I need a diaper change?

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