A "Person" Test

[ Notice: The GFCR is not responsible for YOUR results. That's on you. ] This is simply questions and answers. As Station Management has requested you will fill this out.

You may go back and change your mind if you've some how shape-shifted or been Brainwashed/Minddirtied. Both are fair excuses for getting other results

Created by: Smile Corp GFCR
  1. Which of the following fits you?
  2. Which of the following makes no sense to you?
  3. Scariest of these?
  4. Pick a word!
  5. Which of these is your favorite color?
  6. If handed a box that could change one thing about your past what would it be?
  7. What job have you worked with no pay? Which of these feels like a job you'd force yourself to work? If none press none!
  8. The best way to say goodbye?
  9. (Doesn't effect score) Did you like the quiz?
  10. [No effect on score] Bye!

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