Do You Love Harry Potter?

This is a quiz that tells you if you love Harry Ron or Draco. It is a quiz of love and I think you will love it. The poable outcomes are that you can love Harry or Ron or Draco!

This is ment to be a fun quiz so what ever your outcome is I hope you had fun. I bast this anaver quiz on here and I love Harry Potter you shod...

Created by: Emma
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You are at Hogwarts at luch time Harry comes up to you and asks if you want to meet him at the river hutt tonight. Your respons is?
  2. You cary on to the hutt and to meet Harry you go inside and see him standing whating for you. What are you thinking?
  3. Harry moves very clos to you and starts to andrees you. What are you thinking?
  4. After you have undrees Harry pols you gentley to the grond. You no what hpins next. After a loon night with Harry you wake up and wark back to hogwats. On your way to class Draco pals you in to an emptey room and asks if you want to go on a date. What are you thinking?
  5. You go out of the room without saying anething. You carry on to class after class it is luch time. Who do you sit bye?
  6. You start a friendley coversayson with him. The bell rings for you to start class. Ron chachis you on your way in and says are you bisey tonighta. What are you thinking?
  7. You have to go home for the holadays. What do you think of this?
  8. After the holadays you have a big asinmint. How whall do you do?
  9. After you get you finsh stading its time to go on a shool trip. When you get on the tran ther is no weer to sit apart from the carig weer your friends are. Who are your friends?
  10. The loley troley is stopd at your carig and you have no money. Who byes you some treets?
  11. What did he get you?
  12. You eat your treet. After 5 howrs it is time to get off the trane Harry warks you out of the trane. What are you thinking?

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Quiz topic: Do I Love Harry Potter?