Do you love chicken nuggets?

You want to know your love or hate for chicken nugs?? Well, you came to then chicken nugget expert, ME!! Or you might be one too! Let's GOOO! Chicken chicken yeahhhhhhh

Chicken Nuggets are great! Aren't they! No? Yes? Well you can see how much love for them! You might see you hate them! Or you might ADORE them! Let's see!

Created by: Dolphinious
  1. Do you like chicken nuggets?
  2. Chicken or nugget! Or both?
  3. Picture this: You are walking in town, feeling quite hungry and you want to eat a chicken nugget or a chicken wing. You see a nearby McDonalds so you run there to get Nuggets, when you spot a KFC neighbouring it! You want the chicken wings but at the same time the Nuggets as well. Which one do you choose?
  4. What do you feel like eating rn?? (still answer even if you are not hungry)
  5. Chicken nugget?
  6. Btw this is my first quiz! Is it good!
  7. Quiz is nearly done! You happy?
  8. What do you feel like doing right now?
  9. If you see a chicken, what is your first thought??
  10. Ready for results??

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Quiz topic: Do I love chicken nuggets?
