Do you Look Like me?

Okay so, before I made this quiz, I thought I would only be doing quizzes based on shows and movies. Not anymore! Take this quiz to find out how much you look like me.

So we don't have to look alike, but it might be fun to find out if you look 100% like me or not. Hope you have a great time taking my quiz!!!!!!!!!!!!

Created by: Clara
  1. What's your gender?
  2. What's your eye color?
  3. What color is your hair?
  4. What's your skin tone?
  5. Do you have glasses?
  6. Do you have braces?
  7. Are you skinny or fat?
  8. Are you tall or short?
  9. Do you have zits?
  10. Last question (Has NO effect) Do you even WANT to look like me?

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Quiz topic: Do I Look Like me?

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