How well would you do if the world ended?

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Hope you like my quiz! Based off of Balto, White Fang, and any other sled dog movies. (14 questions. If you have a sled dog, or have a husky, etc, comment on this!)

HOOOOOOWL if you have a sled dog! I dont, but i made this because my teacher is doing a sled dog assignment. If you made a warrior cats quiz, hate me, a dog quiz, etc, please comment!

Created by: ~WarriorsQuiz#1~
  1. The earth cracks open. Everyone dies but you. You have a few items. Rope(1. Inches: 24), Peanut Butter(4) Bottled Water(24), and canned beans(15). You have a sled. Your dogs, Bonco, Rock, Passie, Lila, and Rocky pull it. They help you hunt, kill and survive.
  2. You go dog sledding on the ice. Bonco is leading the way. You get out your gun and look for your food. You see a limping deer and shoot it! You make your dogs stop and go and skin it. You go back home, and eat. A bear comes out of no where and starts attacking your dogs. You:
  3. You have to boil some water because your waters out. You go miles away to find a warm, sunny cool place. It has a spring and multiple deer. You go and fill up a bottle in the spring. By now, its sunset. So you camp out. In the morning, you:
  4. Whatever you decide. You hear a voice saying, "Help! Wolves are after me!" You are shocked and grab your gun to follow the voice. You see a pack of wolves. You shoot one in the head and eventually the wolves run off. The man says, "Oh, thank you!"
  5. "Im Flocko" the man says. (Yes, his name is Flocko. I couldn't think of a better name) "Im ________. Are you ok?""No. My arm hurts. I think a wolf got it" Flocko says. "Ok. Ill take you home to heal your arm."
  6. You take him home and put some mushed up flower seeds, with water and ice on his arm. You rapped his arm with some bandages.
  7. He thanks you. He gives you a brand new hat made of deer. (Congrats! You gained a item! New Deer Hat!)
  8. Sadly, Bonco dies of old age. You get a new dog named Sadie. She is a brown german shep. and man, is she a fighter! She has a puppy named ______ (Choose his/her name)
  9. How old is it?
  10. Is it a girl or boy?
  11. Visit part two! I will make it another day! Bieeeee
  12. (Jk. On with the story!) The puppy is 4 months old. His name is Fang. Hes a black(-ish) wolf. You have to train him!
  13. You fill his bowl up with water. You get attacked by a cougar. "Ahhh!" Fang jumps on top of it and drags him down! His tail knocks your gun to you and you grab it. You shoot the cougar in the head and it dies. A few days later, you made a collar out of the cougars skin. Its for Fang. (Congrats, you earned Cougar Collar! Achievement unlocked. You can move to another place!)
  14. That's it for now! Hope you like my quiz

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