Do you like him or love him

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Rhis quez states whether you like him love him or you ar obsessed or what you think about him and a little of what he thinks about enjoy my quiz.

He may like you you never know but you dont know if you kile him just take the quiz and find out what you think avout enjoy and take the quiz!.!

Created by: Ttallen34
  1. Do you think you like him?
  2. Is he physicaly attractive?
  3. Are you ugly? ( be honest im not here to judge)
  4. Are you skinny or fat ( doesnt count in end)
  5. Describe yourself in one word!
  6. Do you text?
  7. Do you ever meet up?
  8. Could you imagine you two together int e future.
  9. Did yoy like this quix
  10. Comment ? ;)

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Quiz topic: Do I like him or love him